How to Increase Browsing Speed ​​While Downloading

How to Increase Browsing Speed ​​While Downloading

When it comes to downloading large files from the internet, you can leave them to download using a download manager or torrent client other than your web browser. The problem is getting notice when you try to browse a web page while downloading files from the Internet. Browsing will get slow as the download manager or torrent downloader consume a larger part of your internet bandwidth. The case is even worse if you are a low-speed connection. There's not much we can do to improve browsing speeds while downloading files as it really depends on the speed of the internet connection but here are some tips that might be helpful for browsing without much delay.
 Use NetBalancer to set up your traffic. Consider the case of downloading a large torrent files, may take several hours to complete the download. Typically, torrent clients such as uTorrent  is a standalone application like internet  download manager. NetBalancer is a freeware that can prioritize bandwidth allocation for various applications that use the internet connection.

1. Download and install NetBalancer

2. Open Netbalancer (assuming browser and uTorrent is already running)

3. In the application, it shows the list of processes that share the internet connection. To increase the upload / download priority for Google chrome, right click on anyone chrome.exe and click on 'High' under both Upload and Download.

4. Similarly, you need to lower the bandwidth allocation for uTorrent. Right click and click on       uTorrent.exe low under both Upload and Download. Once you are done may look like the           image below. From now on, you should see some improvement in browsing using chrome.

This way you can pull down the bandwidth usage of other applications such as internet download manager.
Applications set the download limit Another way to increase speed is to set limits brwsing download the application. For example, if  your internet connection gives you a maximum download speed of 64KB / s only puts limits  dsownload to 4-50KB / s. Almost all the download manager and uTorrent has an option to set  the download limit to a predetermined level.

How to Increase Browsing Speed ​​While Downloading How to Increase Browsing Speed ​​While Downloading Reviewed by Unknown on July 31, 2013 Rating: 5

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